

You should join intermediate group if :-

  • you are fairly consistent when hitting medium and paced shots, but not yet comfortable with all strokes and have lacks control over depth, direction and power
  • You already have an understanding of the basic techniques, movements and rules of the game.
  • You can hold a rally of 10 to 20, serve and start a point.
  • You’ve had some coaching anywhere, either in a group or individually, but you are still be new to the game, or perhaps you haven’t played for a while and you’re a bit rusty.
  • You're keen to refresh your memory and refine your skills.

For you to become a more confident and consistent player, you’ll need to refine your technique. A good place to start is by working on your serve, so you can hit the ball more consistently and with greater accuracy. You’ve probably achieved topspin on a forehand before but you’ll need to master topspin on a backhand. At this level, you’ll need to play more tactically and develop match play strategy.

Our 'intermediate group' coaching sessions are great for intermediate players. Our coaches work very hard to refine your technique and help you to become a more tactical player. We recommend you take part in tournaments so you can play against as many different people as possible.

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