About Us

We have certified and experienced coaches that pay attention to each player individually. They are experts in improving your skills. Our coaches make your sessions fun and advantageous. Play n fit is the only tennis academy that tries to find out the purpose for which a player joins the academy. The purpose to join the academy may be just for fun or for fitness. It is also possible that you are a beginner and have just started playing tennis and want to learn the skills of the game. You can be an advanced level or professional player and want to sharpen your skills further. Our team of coaches do their best to know your purpose of joining the academy and help you achieve them.


800 +

Sucessful Students

10 +

Years Of Experiences


Why Us

It looks like that your interest in the tennis sport has brought you to this page. Tennis remains an evergreen sport that is enjoyed all over the globe. There are countless reasons to love this promising game. You get countless physical and mental benefits out of this tennis game. Additionally, it promotes excellent brain development and knocks down anxiety/depression problems.

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Play n fit is the only tennis academy that tries to find out the purpose for which a player joins the academy. The purpose to join the academy may be just for fun or for fitness.!